Venue and Travel Information

Conference venue

The MME 2024 will be held at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, approximately 80 km from Prague. Public transport options (train and bus) between Prague and Ústí nad Labem are convenient and frequent. The conference will take place on the university campus, specifically in the CEMMTECH building (address: Pasteurova 1, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem). For detailed location information, you can refer to Google Maps, and the university campus map.

GPS coordinates: 50°39’53.7″N 14°1’33.7″E


Keep in mind that the Czech Republic is a member of the European Union and a Schengen country. Then, a valid passport or, for Schengen countries, an identification card is all that is needed for entry into the Czech Republic by citizens of European Union countries. Guests from many countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and Iceland, can enter the Czech Republic without a visa.

If you need a visa to enter the Czech Republic and attend the MME 2024 conference, do not hesitate to contact us to request an official invitation letter.

List of Available Hotels

We are pleased to recommend the following two hotels in the spa town of Teplice for your stay during the MME 2024 conference. We suggest you book your accommodation as soon as possible.

The hotels in Teplice are approximately 20 km from the university in Ústí nad Labem. Additionally, on Thursday evening, a conference dinner will be held in Teplice, providing an excellent opportunity for networking and relaxation. We are pleased to offer participants staying in Teplice free bus transportation between Teplice and the conference venue in Ústí nad Labem. Buses will operate twice daily, departing from Teplice (with stops directly at both hotels) to the venue in the morning, and returning to Teplice after the conference sessions. These services will be available on Wednesday, September 11, and Thursday, September 12 (both morning and evening), as well as Friday, September 13 in the morning. We look forward to ensuring a convenient and enjoyable experience for all participants!

Hotel Panorama


  • Single Room: 900 CZK per night
  • Double Room: 700 CZK per person per night
  • Triple Room: 700 CZK per person per night
  • Family Room (up to 4 people): 700 CZK per person per night
  • City Tax: 21 CZK per person per night

Reservation Details

To secure your accommodation, please email at your earliest convenience with the subject line “Accommodation-MME 2024-UJEP”. We have reserved a certain number of rooms for the participants of MME 2024 until the end of July 2024.

Prince de Ligne


  • Double Room: 2600 CZK per room per night (for two persons)
  • Double Room for Single Use: 2300 CZK per room per night (for one person)
  • Parking Spot: 500 CZK per night
  • City Tax: 21 CZK per person per night

Reservation Details

To secure your accommodation, please email at your earliest convenience with the subject line “Accommodation-MME 2024-UJEP”. We have reserved a certain number of rooms for the participants of MME 2024 until the end of July 2024.